The Master Mind Group (MMG) format can be defined as:

“The coordination of knowledge and efforts harmoniously between the participants, with the aim to achieve a certain goal.”

This concept was been used by the most successful people in business which, under a spirit of cooperation and harmony, shared their experiences with other members of the group. The Master Mind Group format is considered as one of the most efficient ways to achieve a group’s goals.

The “Intentional Living” MMG will be developed in a five week period, where participants can listen to 5 minute motivational videos from John Maxwell for 30 days in a row (in the morning).

There is a difference between having positive intentions and living your life intentionally. Many of us have very positive intentions and want to apply them, but some quit or never start applying them.

By participating in this program, you will prove that you are very interested to live a better life, that you are committed to living a high quality life.

The program is delivered in two phases:

  1. Training sessions by following the Master Mind format
    2. The read of “Intentional Living” book and the listening of 30 short, motivational videos.

We know that when we read a book that we like, we get excited and inspired but we soon get lost in the daily routine and we forget to apply what we read in the book.

This training will help us to really benefit all the knowledge from the “Intentional Living” book (written by John Maxwell), to share our experiences about it and apply its lessons in practice.

How do you know if a person is successful or not? The successful person is a doer!

This MMG will be organized by Dr. Anila Bashllari, a licensed expert on the MMG Format, by The John Maxwell Team International.