One day training “Growth is a Marathon, not a Sprint“

Most people don’t like change. In fact, they resist change because they’d rather prefer to stay in their familiar comfort zone. However, this is not the case for executives and leaders with a growth mindset. These types of people are constantly seeking change because they know that only by growing they can show their potential. Growth doesn’t happen by accident… We have to be aware and intentional about growth in order to achieve our goals.

The GIMNAS one day training program has been designed in such a way that will help every participant to think outside of the box. Thinking and being outside the box is uncomfortable and challenging for most of people… it really resembles our real life.

The training focuses on two elements: the theme that will be discussed and the group teamwork which will help participants to get out of the comfort zone and reflect about the next step towards growth.

Among others, the participants will learn about:

  1. Procrastination and how to overcome it, how to identify the barriers that are blocking and stopping you to act.
  2. 3 reasons why being stuck is amazing!
  3. The raise of awareness in order to understand the importance of designing a personal & professional growth plan because growth doesn’t happen by accident.
  4. The cause- effect report and where to focus in order to change and grow?
  5. The importance of A-C-T method
  6.  The importance of understanding that we have to face our fears; Fear and growth cannot co-live together.
  7. The 8 growth mistakes and what happens if we quit the growth process
  8. The incorporation of new habits that will help us to get out of our comfort zone & head towards growth.
  9.  The development of effective communication and team work skills.