Master Mind Group (MMG) is one of the most effective training formats for interactive groups that exchange experiences and learn from each other.

The 15 Laws of Growth Master Mind Group Format will focus on teaching the simple truth that growth is a process and doesn’t happen by accident; that motivation can encourage you to act but it is with persistence that helps people grow and move forward; that the development of effective systems and the designation of growth strategies helps individuals and organizations to grow exponentially; that learning stops when we lose the tension created between where we are (our comfort zone) and where we want to go; that people have extraordinary potential to grow (ref. Abraham Maslow) and that when we grow, others near us experience growth too.



The 15 Laws of Growth Master Mind Group Format will help you to:

  • Develop your active listening abilities
  • Stimulate your “out of the box” thinking
  • Help all participants to interact and share their success and failure stories, by growing together with likeminded people.
  • To learn the most important laws of growth, how to apply them and notice the results every time you experience growth.
  •  To develop your teamwork skills and learn how to trust people
  • To create an effective and collaborative report with the group members by entertaining and encouraging each other to move forward.

This MMG will be organized by Dr. Anila Bashllari, a licensed expert on the MMG Format, by The John Maxwell Team International.