Master Mind Group (MMG) is one of the most effective training formats for interactive groups that exchange experiences and learn from each other.

Master Mind Group format on leadership will be focused in the 21 laws of leadership; the problems that leaders face; the sharing of experiences (successes and failures) in leading processes, etc.

Leadership is an indicator that measures the effectiveness of a leader. The more leadership skills we have, the more effective we will be for ourselves and our teams.

Despite your level of leadership, one thing is true for all of us: the better we know what it means to be a leader, the better our leadership performance and the bigger our influence on others.

Leadership starts from you! The highest form of leadership is being your own leader and the highest purpose of leadership is adding value to others.


21 Laws of Leadership Master Mind Group training will help you to:

  • Develop your active listening abilities
  •  Help all participants to interact and share their success and failure stories, by growing together with likeminded people and further develop their leadership skills.
  • To learn the most important laws of leadership, how to apply them and notice the results every time you experience growth.
  •  To develop your teamwork skills and learn how to trust people
  • To create an effective and collaborative report with the group members by entertaining and encouraging each other to move forward.

This MMG will be organized by Dr. Anila Bashllari, a licensed expert on the MMG Format, by The John Maxwell Team International.